Get instant access to 30 template pages!  

Customize with the FREE version of Canva

Simple and streamlined offer template you can use to turn your IDEA into a compelling offer in less than an hour! 

Get premium design AND high-converting offer strategy. (This template is built on the 7-core elements of a compelling offer I teach in Sell with Heart™ for converting dream-fit clients)

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xOffer Social Templates$97

All prices in USD

- FAQs -
Do I need the paid version of Canva? 
Nope! You can use the free version of Canva to completely customize these templates with your own colors, fonts, images and brand-- the sky's the limit and there's no additional charge. 

Can my team use these templates?
When you purchase, you (and your team members) have full permission to use the templates on your personal and business social media accounts.

Do I need to give credit or can I brand them with my own name?
You do not need to credit me - we want these to look and feel like YOU! But after you're done if you want to send it to me, I would LOVE to see how you use it and cheer you on! I frequently feature and re-share content from my community!

What exactly is included in this kit?
You will get immediate access to 30+ templates that you can personalize and post in less than an hour! I recommend you pick the 8-12 pages that fit with your offer and business- you won't need to use all the pages for every offer you create. 

I'm a Social Media Manager, can I use these on my client's accounts?
If you're a VA or OBM you're going to love the Unlimited Access Pass. For a one time add on fee of $100 you get full access to use this template for your personal client's programs. You can not re-sell the template. Email for the link or more info!  

Have a different question for me?
Read the full terms here and for any questions at all, reach out to and we'll get back to you personally-- and please know what an honor it is to serve and support you in growing your business!
